A Discussion of Scripture
Submitted by: Rich Pope Member, Freedom From Religion Foundation Metropolitan Chicago Chapter (On) 6/25/14, I shared on FB a post by John Loftus, a former minister and now and atheist and the brain behind the “Debunking Christianity” website/FB page and several books. The post quoted several horrendous scriptures from the Bible on slavery. With […]
FFRF and FFRFMCC Debut Counter Display to Protest Catholic Evangelizing in the Public Square
Over the past several years, the Catholic affiliated Thomas More Society has been bringing its message of “Divine Mercy” to Daley Center Plaza during the Christian holy week. But this year, FFRF and its Chicago Chapter are on hand with a message of their own — Keep State and Religion Separate! The 12 foot FFRF […]
Are We Atheists Not Playing the Odds?
Are We Atheists Not Playing the Odds? By: Tom Cara, President, FFRFMCC – (Copyright 2013) – 6/1/13 One question many non-believers find the most vexing when asked by those of religious faith is: “Why not just believe in God? Why take the chance of being sent to hell when it’s so easy to just believe?” […]
Opposing Religious Attitudes in Everyday Life
Opposing Religious Attitudes in Everyday Life Is religion the only thing that can save us from global climate change? By Marilyn Ross Adams – (Copyright 2013) – 5/30/13 A wonderful conference on stopping global climate change happened in Chicago this February sponsored by some great environmental organizations, such as Bill McKibben’s, and by local […]
Dawkins’ Spectrum of The Existence of God
This is taken from Richard Dawkins’ book: The GOD Delusion. The spectrum represents human judgment about the existence of God. It is continuous between two extremes of opposite certainty, where 1 represents certainty of the existence of God and 7 represents certainty of the non-existence of God. Points 2 through 6 simply represent milestones along […]
Religion vs. Healthcare: Weighing in on the Contraception Mandate of the Affordable Healthcare Act
Religion vs. Healthcare Weighing in on the Contraception Mandate of the Affordable Healthcare Act By: Tom Cara, President, FFRFMCC – (Copyright 2013) – 3/17/13 According to many Christians, the “oppression” of Christian groups in the U.S. just keeps getting worse. The latest “attack” salvo we are told is being aimed at religiously affiliated businesses that have […]
First Amendment
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. This is the first of the ten amendments that are […]
United States Religious Affiliation in 2010
Estimated by the Pew Research Center. Christian: 243,060,000 Unaffiliated: 50,980,000 Jewish: 5,690,000 Buddhist: 3,570,000 Muslim: 2,770,000 Hindu: 1,790,000 Folk Religions: 630,000 (This includes followers of African traditional religions, Chinese folk religions, Native American religions and Australian aboriginal religions.) Other Religions: 1,900,000 (This includes Bahai’s, Jains, Sikhs, Shintoists, Taoists, followers of Tenrikyo, Wiccans, Zoroastrians and many other faiths.)
Universe, Earth, and Life on Earth
Universe Age: 13.72 billion years Number of Galaxies in Universe: 170 billion Number of Stars within a Galaxy: 10 million (10**7) to 100 trillion (10**14) Total Number of Stars in Universe: 17 x 10**17 to 17 x 10**24 Formulation of The Milky Way: 13.2 billion years ago Formulation of our Solar System: 4.568 billion years […]
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