
How Far Will The U.S. Supreme Court Expand Religious Entitlement?
Once in a while we come across a film, TV show or documentary that just so happens to delve into a timely topic and captures our interest. This happened to me recently while watching a college football game one Saturday night, a matchup I’d been looking forward to all day. To my disappointment, what I […]

We Believe…
Black Lives Matter… …and that people of all races are entitled to the same equal rights and opportunities. Yet the bible says God granted covenant and life-long priesthood to the Israelite Phinehas who impaled a mixed-race couple just for having sexual relations that would not keep God’s people pure (Numbers Chapter 25). Love is Love… […]

Freethought Makes its Presence in Chicagoland Holiday Displays
The Freedom From Religion Foundation and its Metropolitan Chicago chapter have placed their secular holiday displays all over the Windy City area. A colorful banner invoking the Founding Fathers has again been unfurled in Daley Plaza in the heart of Chicago. It greets everyone with “Happy Winter Solstice” and pictures Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Benjamin […]

Andrew Seidel Coming to Chicago to Promote His New Book, “The Founding Myth: Why Christian Nationalism is Un-American”
Andrew Seidel, Director of Strategic Response at the Freedom From Religion Foundation, has added Chicago as a stop on his national tour to promote his new book, “The Founding Myth: Why Christian Nationalism is Un-American.” The Freedom From Religion Foundation Metropolitan Chicago Chapter will co-sponsor, along with the End of the Line Humanists. an evening […]

FFRFMCC Erects Annual Spring Display to Protest Catholic Prayer Shrine in Chicago’s Daley Center Plaza
On Thursday, April 13th, the FFRFMCC with its member volunteers erected our protest of a Catholic prayer shrine which goes up each year during the Christian “holy week” by the Divine Mercy Project at Chicago’s Daley Center Plaza. The shrine includes a large wooden Latin cross, a 9-foot banner of Jesus, and “kneelers” for people […]
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