FFRFMCC Brings Secular Holiday Cheer Once Again to Area Communities!
Providing a voice for the freethought community, two secular holiday displays were erected to counter religious imagery that appears annually on the grounds of halls of government. Religious organizations, for many years, have coerced local municipalities into creating public forums, so that they can use secular, taxpayer property to force their superstitious beliefs on all others, in opposition to what our founders intended. Christian creches and Jewish Menorahs are often found on public property during the month of December each year. The Freedom From Religion Foundation, and its local chapters, work to remind people that government property should not be used as a platform to promote religion.
Holiday greetings were on display at the Glenview, IL Village Hall this past December where FFRFMCC Members Steve Foulkes and Brian Emerick placed our 5 foot high lighted Scarlet “A” (for atheism) sign atop a banner asking everyone to celebrate the true reason for the season – the Winter Solstice. Pictured with the display is Brian, with the photo taken by Steve.
For the 13th consecutive year, the FFRFMCC placed its “Bill of Rights Nativity” cutout within the public forum at North School Park in Arlington Heights, IL. The image portrays Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and George Washington, with the Statue of Liberty, looking reverently at a copy of the U.S. Constitution resting in a manger bed. The Bill of Rights were ratified on December 15th, 1791. FFRFMCC Members Kathi Wise and Fred Dix erected the display. Fred is pictured, with Kathi taking the photo.