The FFRFMCC Once Again Proudly Displays Rationalism This Holiday Season

Though our annual presence in challenging religious imagery on government property is somewhat less than in the past during this very strange year we have had, we now have two secular holiday displays up for viewing this season.
The Freedom From Religion Foundation’s “Bill of Rights Nativity” was erected at North School Park in Arlington Heights on December 1st, marking nine years we have countered a Christian creche there. On December 7th, the same display was erected for the second year in a row at the Glenview Village Hall to counter the unwelcome presence of both Christian and Jewish religious imagery on what should be secular government property.

The Arlington Heights display will be up until December 28th, and the Glenview display until December 29th.
As rationalists, we believe the celebration of the season should be predicated on factual reasons, which is why are our displays choose to honor the birth of our Bill of Rights, and also the return of our life-producing sun through the natural event known as the Winter Solstice. So, let us rejoice in the sun and always remember to…
Seasons Greetings To All!